Monday, June 14, 2010

Pulled Tooth, the awesome update!

Weeelll, it's been 10 full days since the tooth was pulled and my mind is a bit more clear on all of the events that took place afterwards.  All I can say is, WOW coupled with YIKES and that sums it up.  Apparently, I was trying to convince my wife, who so graciously transported my carcass home after the surgery that I was, in fact the "King of doing a Cartwheel"!  Yes, it's really that emphatic, unfortunately.  I have a vague recollection of these events and of saying rather colorful things, all of the first words that you learn in the school yard playground...the ones that get your mouth smacked or worse, washed out with soap.  So, with healthy doses of Hydrocodone and Antibiotics (apparently the human mouth is a pretty gross place! Ugh!) I have been nursed back to good and proper health enough to reflect on how silly I was.  With this in mind, some very good friends of ours share a video with me that pretty much hit the target.  This same fellow brought a tiara for his wife and drove her around town when she had her wisdom teeth earlier this year.  He in turn had HIS MOTHER pick him up from the doctor and take him home when his teeth were pulled out some time later, fearing the inevitable reprisal...I'm sure she will get even...oh well! enjoy the video.

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